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My testimony


My testimony isn’t all that inspiring and it’s long, so I’m sorry. I do hope it helps someone that has been through something similar.

I’m grateful to have been brought up by really loving, believing parents. But when I was younger, I didn’t fully appreciate it. Even so, I was very close to both my mom and my dad growing up and into my adult life.

In my young teens I wanted to be a “normal” teenager, so, without going into detail, I experimented in different ways, and I deeply, deeply regret it now.

I don’t know how it happened, but when I was 15 or so, I had a moment of falling to my knees and crying out to God. It’s very odd because, even though I don’t remember the exact date, I remember the moment as clear as if it’s happening right now.

If I had to guess as to why that happened when it did, it’s because my grandma (my mom’s mom) who lived with us was so deep in prayer trying to help me. To this day her love for the Lord was the strongest I’ve ever known.

But at 16, I began dating my to-be husband, and I put God on the back burner. We moved in together eventually and then got married in 2020. In between that time I was dabbling in new age stuff (yoga, chakras, meditation, all that). I considered myself an “open minded Christian.” Meanwhile my Bibles collected dust on the shelf.

During the pandemic started I wanted to study the Bible more. I bought myself an NASB 1995 with room on the sides for lots of notes. And then I kind of went through phases of actually studying it.

But in April 2022, I got an evening call from my dad that started out with “It’s mom…”

She went into cardiac arrest from a pulmonary embolism, and then spent over a week in the ICU in a coma before going to be with the Lord.

I had heard it said before that sometimes it takes a traumatic event to bring you close to the Lord…and I found out that it’s true.

My dad, two sisters and I spent every second we were allowed to next to her, praying for her to squeeze one of our hands, open her eyes, or say something…

Despite still being under pandemic rules at the hospital, they let my dad and sisters and I sleep in the ICU overnight while she was there. And during that time it seemed like her vitals were getting better, so we had hope.

But we later found out that she had experienced brain death and that she would never wake up…

I had really, really thought that she was going to wake up…I was begging and pleading with God day and night. So when she didn’t, I was completely devestated.

It’s by God’s grace that I leaned on Him during that time and have continued to do so now, a year later. I know myself, and I know how unforgiving and selfish I can be in my sinful nature.

After my mom passed I decided to really dig into scripture and trust my Creator and Savior. I knew when she passed that she was with the Lord, but I didn’t understand the logistics of it and I wanted to know exactly how that worked. So I started doing some real, dedicated Bible study. Not too long after that, I ended up doing a study in Revelation. And with everything going on the world…I really started thinking about the rapture.

I started going to a local bible church not long after my mom passed, and I got baptized there on April 23, a little less than a year after my mom passed on May 5, 2022.

These days I find myself looking up constantly, waiting to be caught up with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And in the meantime, asking God to use me however He wants to.

Over the last year, my favorite verse became John 14:6, and I now consider it my life verse.

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I don’t know a greater comfort than that.
Sarah, I’m sure your mother is proud of you. You have a beautiful testimony. Your family was very fortunate to have been allowed in the ICU room during the Covid lockdown.

I had the misfortune to be hospitalized with it for five days at our local hospital, where my wife is a nurse, and they wouldn’t even let her in my isolation room. That was worse than being sick.
Wow @3Nails4Given, that’s ridiculous. They went way overboard with some of the restrictions…

After my mom was taken off of life support the staff said she tested positive for Covid (they were testing her daily). So when we came in to say goodbye to her we had to wear like hazmat suits basically with loud breathing apparatuses. After a few hours a nurse came in and said they were mistaken and she didn’t have Covid, so we ripped everything off and got to actually hold her and kiss her goodbye…

I do wonder if the nurses going in and out just had mercy on us because we stayed there so long. I hope they didn’t get in trouble for it.
Wow @3Nails4Given, that’s ridiculous. They went way overboard with some of the restrictions…

After my mom was taken off of life support the staff said she tested positive for Covid (they were testing her daily). So when we came in to say goodbye to her we had to wear like hazmat suits basically with loud breathing apparatuses. After a few hours a nurse came in and said they were mistaken and she didn’t have Covid, so we ripped everything off and got to actually hold her and kiss her goodbye…

I do wonder if the nurses going in and out just had mercy on us because we stayed there so long. I hope they didn’t get in trouble for it.
It was ridiculous how they handled it here when I was in the hospital, all the doctors would put on full hazmat suits when they came in my room. The poor nurses only had the face masks. I never understood why the nurses were fully exposed, but the doctors weren’t.

I was allowed no visitors for the five days. My wife was able to bring stuff for me and the nurses would bring it to me. I read my Bible and prayed a lot.
I second TT's response. Thank you for glorifying Christ through your experiences, Sarah. 👍🏻 We're so very glad you're part of the family of God. And equally glad you're part of this CCF family. We love you in Christ. Is your hubby a believer? If so, we hope he joins us too.

Thank you!! :hug: I believe he is getting closer to truly accepting Jesus as his savior…he used to not believe in God at all.

Please pray for him. Thank you