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Globalists on a mission: Turn Americans against each other before a foreign power is called in to finish the job



Obama’s new Hollywood movie is very instructive: They are telling us their plans

The globalists believe it’s supremely important to utterly and very publicly destroy the United States of America. Not because America is some bastion of freedom and democracy. It isn’t. Over the last roughly 100 years, America’s major institutions have been infiltrated and completely taken over: government, healthcare, financial and corporations, the mass media, education, law enforcement and the courts, the military, and 90 percent of the churches and synagogues — all have come under the influence and control of the globalist agenda.

whelming majority of churches will capitulate to the globalist agenda of the Great Reset, which is aimed at digitizing every nation, every major institution within the nations, and every object living and non-living. Control the food, water, energy and money and you control the people. That’s what Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development and the Great Reset are really all about.

However, despite achieving such an immense level of control, it’s still important for the globalist elites to totally deconstruct and humiliate America, destroy its middle class and bring it to its knees.
You may ask, why are they so intent on destruction if they already control everything?
I watched about 5 minutes of that movie but felt uncomfortable watching it, now that you post this article i might force myself to watch it .

The article is right, these people are so prideful that they are arrogant to put their plans behind the guise of a movie and have a good ole chuckle to themselves how they think they are duping the masses.
The whole point of movies such as this is to depress and discourage people. They want to take away people's hope. Fortunately for us, they can't touch ours.
Amen! Globalists can plan, implement whatever, it cant make me stress or even slightly worry. He is there for us, and there is nothing those loons can do to change that. It might be a very bumpy ride and even painful to the end, but we still win!
I watched about 5 minutes of that movie but felt uncomfortable watching it, now that you post this article i might force myself to watch it .

The article is right, these people are so prideful that they are arrogant to put their plans behind the guise of a movie and have a good ole chuckle to themselves how they think they are duping the masses.
I wont even watch it. After reading descriptions of this movie, I have better things to do with my time.
I watched about 5 minutes of that movie but felt uncomfortable watching it, now that you post this article i might force myself to watch it .

The article is right, these people are so prideful that they are arrogant to put their plans behind the guise of a movie and have a good ole chuckle to themselves how they think they are duping the masses.

The problem with globalists and other conspirators showing their hand is that their glorious game plan might have to change on their glorious march to the future.

Because God is in charge of the future, not them, and He might not allow their grand plans, and force them to revise it. Sort of like poor Macron trying to get the Peace Plan in place for Israel only to find yellow vests in the streets of Paris and Notre Dame burning to a crispy critter. In the end God allowed it but not on their timetable.

So if I bothered to go find out what they are up to I'd just have to waste my time looking again at all their little revised Grand Plans.

We win. They lose. Die and fry for eternity if you persist in fighting God. It's a loser move.

If I notice a particularly interesting one (I do keep an eye on Putin's plots- call it a hobby) then I check it out but if I miss one or two I don't lose sleep.

A friend who watches all the latest agendas from the WEF and the globalists pointed out a few years ago now that all the economic indicators were pointing at war in the Middle East. He was right, Russia invaded the Ukraine and he was tracking the movement of money (it's his livelihood) and he told me the globalists were signalling that they were funding a war effort in which the arms dealers were going to make a killing. He shared a WEF video that showed plague then war (this was pre Covid) but because I couldn't do anything about it I left it in God's hands and prayed for the future. Here we are, and his prediction was right but if I'd gotten worried and fretted over it, I would have lost my peace.

Bottom line, he needed to know (it's his work) but God kept me in His peace even when things were going sideways during the years after that.

God is in control. Psalm 2

God laughs in derision at their plans.
For those interested, Pete Garcia was talking a bit about this movie, and the reasons for it at this point in history. I was up and down with laundry but I think he was pointing out that the globalists are getting ready for the moment of chaos after the rapture. Even though they don't know it's coming. Satan does and he has to have plans in place for what's next after the rapture. He went into the economy, Gog Magog and other topics. It was a fun listen on a laundry Monday.
So if I bothered to go find out what they are up to I'd just have to waste my time looking again at all their little revised Grand Plans.
Yes! Also, even though the globalist are conspiring evil deeds, once the AC is on the scene, he may not have any use for them. It will be all about the AC, and Im not thinking he will be one who likes to share credit. I picture satan using them now to stir the pot, setting the stage, then dispose of them like a dirty diaper once he is in charge.